Mount. Mleiha, Sharjah

Elevation: 260m 
Time: 1:30-2 Hrs one way
Distance: ±3km one way
Cellular & data service: Available at all times


The favourite.

Just a short drive from Dubai on E102 road Sharjah-Kalba in the middle of desert stands this tabletop like rock. Famous amongst desert runners, who drive here early in the morning just for a run to the top and down. But we like to take it slow, enjoy the views of the desert below us. We stayed overnight a couple of times here, and it’s the most amazing thing - just before the sun rises over the horizon, you can witness fog slowly travelling over the dunes. When the fog washes over the desert, all the shadows are very strong, tiny bits of fog still floating down in the desert. Oh and even on a humid night, stars are still visible as the place is quite far off from the big city lights.


There are not many places to set up a tent, only several spots where the base is flat enough and you can squeeze in several small tents. Luckily the tip of the mountain has just the perfect spot allowing for the best possible view. The stone is harsh, so if you are planning to camp, you will need a cushy mattress. The rock is naked, no trees or bushes on a top so if you want a bonfire in the evening , you need start picking up dry wood from the beginning of the hike and carry it all the way up. 


Where at.

Park the car on the side of the road, jump through the gates to start your walk. The beginning is the most important part as there is several valleys some one of them require advanced to expert climbing skills, so you really need to follow the route to find your way up.