
The surprising Hatta.

Elevation: 384m
Time: 4h
Distance: 11,2 km loop
Cellular & data services: Unavailable most of the time


A step away from
the crowds.

Hatta is famous for its water dam, this little town is developing into  a big tourist attraction, the parking lots are full during weekends, people are traveling to see fresh water dam, but not many walk further than the dam itself. To be honest we didn’t even see water dam when we came, we turned left earlier from the crowds parked our car in empty parking space, just before the entrance gate to Sedr trailer resort and started our walk, surprisingly we didn’t meet a single person on our 10 km walk. 

Looking at the terrain map, this hike looks more like a walk, quite flat, so we didn’t expect much, but we were blown away! The walk starts through a small local farm, filled with all kinds of farm animals. Further down a farmer village, the greeneries and the farm sounds bring you somewhere away from the UAE we’re so used to, you wouldn’t expect so much lush greenery and fresh air mixed with farm smells, it was so refreshing after several dusty days in the city. 



After the walk through the village there is a steep climb which brings you to the let’s  call it “Canyon”. Which is absolutely breathtaking! It looks like a huge dry river that snakes along the valley. It’s hard to understand the depth of it unless you are down there. Again it’s hard to believe you are in UAE,  and how come nobody ever told you about this place? When you are down in a valley it is like a maze, tricky to find right way out, but after some failures we walked through. Be wary that it’s filled with dry falls, do not attempt to climb them unless you know how to.


A refreshing ending.

At the end of the walk we reached the refreshing Hatta spring & we walked back to the car through Sadr resort road. 

Take enough time for this hike, as it can be little bit tricky down in the wadi finding your way out!